We originally posted that this video took place in Nigeria and was carried out by Boko Haram. Other new reports brought to our attention clarify that the man slain was a Somali Christian who was beheaded by Al-Shabaab, and is believed to have been created in 2008. As our goal is to be truthful and honest, we wanted to break this new finding to set the record straight.
It is worth being mentioned that three pastors, Sabo Yakubu, Sylvester Akpan and George Orgi were beheaded in a similar fashion in August of 2009. The Messenger
[stream flv=x:/themessengervoice.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/man_killed.flv img=x:/themessengervoice.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/beheading.jpg embed=false share=false width=720 height=540 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]
This shows the barbarism called islam in Nigeria.
Very interesting. Thanks. Keep up the good work
fuck islam and all you muslim because people are piece of shit
Just unbelievable man. First of all, I thank God that he exists. Can’t wait till the God of Israel bring justice to this unimaginable horror. I am glad hell is what it will be, eternal suffering. I pray that this martyr went to heaven. Can’t wait to see these ass holes in hell. Eternal suffering isn’t a joke, get ready for complete suffering on a different scale with your god mohammed.
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